Josie Warshaw's ceramic work permanently, encapsulates ethereal moments, phases of her life and social exchanges. These personal happenings are translated onto and into durable works. In their fired state the ceramic objects offer adornment open to new interpretation and appreciation. To an impartial observer their story of origin is mostly uninportant. For the maker, the fixing of these moments using clay gives them a lasting significance.
Momentum and interest to create ceramic work is sparked by the urge to catalogue and make sense of passing existence, the objects acting as markers in her, "time line". Each piece aims to convey everyday activity, events or fleeting encounters using symbolic visual language. Memories trigger sequences or groups of work until life moves onto new thoughts and activities. The work reveals the maker's personality, interests, beliefs and emotions. The intended tone is serious with an infusion of comicality.
After training at Harrow School of Art, Josie chose to live in Kilburn, London, close to her studio at Kingsgate Workshops Trust. Over the years she has combined her studio practice with teaching in adult educational settings including; Camberwell School of Art, Camden Arts Centre, The Architectural Association and The City Lit. Her commissioned history, techniques and technical overview, books; “The Complete Practical Potter” and “Beginners Ceramic Handbook” have been translated and sold in many countries around the world and are still available for purchase in a number of different languages.
Josie continues to offer teaching and studio time to beginners and more advanced students at her Kingsagte studio. Lessons are offered to individuals and small groups in hand-building, throwing, surface and/or glaze development. There is also opportunity to book raku making and firing workshops.
Josie's ongoing available work can be seen by appointment in her studio.You can also follow josiewarshawceramics on Instagram where recently posted work can be viewed and is available for purchase. Individual works exhibited and already sold in England and overseas are dispersed amongst private and public collections.
Teaching, studio time and sales enquiries are welcomed by email to:
click here for artist cv (pdf)